Shopping Habits Amongst Online Customers Amongst a 3 Hour Interval (d3.js)

August 2020

  • Interactive slide show dashboard created using d3.js
  • Displays the shopping habits among customers at an online retail store over a 3 hour period
  • Final project for CS 498 Data Visualization

Shopping Habits Amongst Online Customers (Tableau)

June 2020

  • Dashboard created using Tableau that displays the shopping habits among customers at an online retail store
  • Midterm project for CS 498 Data Visualization


February 2018

  • Collaboratively coded an open-source website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Firebase
  • Presents users with easily accessible dates, locations, and descriptions for upcoming elections
  • Uses Google Civic Information API and Google Maps API

Trade - Project 829

August 2017 - August 2018

  • Android and iOS application that links social media accounts to QR codes for seamless sharing
  • - Allows users to quickly share their contact information / social medias

rPlaceGame (Web Strategy Game)

August 2017 - December 2017

  • Online multiplayer game that utilizes Node.js, JavaScript, and Heroku
  • Allows users to interact with each other by placing one block at a time to take over the entire board

